Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

On Saturday we took Wills and Jules to the Mt. Zion Pumpkin Patch. They had a wagon for Wills to pull around and find the perfect pumpkin for carving (or as Wills calls it, "seeding").

Once we got home, Wills and his daddy got it all carved up. Of course, neither of them would actually help scoop out the seeds - Wills said it was too yucky, so I got that lucky job. Here is my favorite part - Tim and Wills looked online to find the perfect design for the jackolantern. When they showed it to me, I couldn't believe it - Wills picked out the exact same design that he picked out with me last year!

This year's pumpkin (you can't really see the design, but I'll post more pictures later)
Last year's pumpkin:
Our decorations (courtesy of all the grandparents) - big brother and baby sister pumpkins and ghosts (or ghosties, as Wills calls them)

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