Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Jules is getting more alert everyday! Here is our typical day - I wake up around 6:45 and get showered, then Wills gets up and we try to get him dressed and eating breakfast. Tim leaves for work, then Wills gets to watch a show while I feed Jules, then we get packed up in the car to take Wills to Primrose by 8:30. Jules and I come back to the house and I do laundry, some computer stuff, etc. She eats about every 2 hours during the day (we try to both sleep around lunch time), then we walk the dog. We pick Wills up about 4:30 and come home. Then we play with Wills, feed Jules (ALOT - like every hour between 5 and 8), try to eat dinner as a family, give Wills his bath, then put him to bed. Jules goes down between 8 and 9, then gets up around midnight and around 4am to eat. She is doing very well at night (knock on wood!). She is just pretty darn unhappy between 5 and 8 if she is not eating!

She is very strong - holding her head up, doing tummy time, etc. She is starting to smile when you tickle her chin, and I often find her just staring up at me when she is in the baby bjorn. I just got a "hotsling", which is another type of baby far, she doesn't seem to like it much, but I am going to keep trying so that I can be hands free!

I swear she was happy here, I just couldn't catch it on camera :)


Holly @ Life as a Thrifter said...

She is so sweet! Congratulations, again!

Jennifer said...

Love all the new updates!!!