Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wofford vs Clemson 2011!

On Saturday September 10th, we took Wills and Jules to their first big-time football game - Wofford versus Clemson!  We tailgated with the Martins in Tiger Park, then went in to watch the 3pm game.  I have to say, the kids did great!  Jules slept through the first quarter (including a 21 gun salute, fighter jets that flew overhead, in honor of 9/11, and several Terrier touchdowns), but when she woke up, boy was she in a good mood!  She and I stayed for the first half, then we hung out at the tailgate.  Wills stayed for the whole game with Tim, and he didn't even get back to Greenville until 10pm!  He had a blast hanging out with Louise and Bo.  Thanks Stephanie and Bob for hosting us!


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