Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Time is Flying By!

Let's see, what's new?
  • Wills has started "pre-school" - he was pretty much the only 3 year old in his class that didn't move up to pre-k, so he is the oldest kid in his class. I think he likes being the leader. His teacher is Ms. Kristy and she is so good to him. He is starting piano lessons at school tomorrow with a company called Tickled Ivories.
  • Wills is still in to super-heros. He drew a family portrait at school last week and it had Tim, me, Wills, Jules, Fletch, and Batman :) We are in the midst of planning his 4 year old Batman party at Chuck E. Cheese. Wills calls it "Chunkin Cheese" and the other day said to me "Mommy, I didn't know Chunkin had a last name!" (Cheese).
  • Jules is growing like a weed. She's had an interesting month or so. She is a finicky eater, loves her bottle, and seems to be more sensitive as she gets older. I switched her to soy formula, thinking maybe that she has the same issues with dairy that Wills does. She's acting a little less sensitive, but she still doesn't seem to have the appetite that she used to. Her favorite foods are oatmeal, watermelon, peas, yogurt melts, applesauce, cheerios, and bread. She seems to change her mind every day about what she wants to eat, though.
  • Speaking of food, we are trying to get Wills to try a new food once every 2 weeks - we offer him that food every day for 2 weeks. We started with raw carrots, and he took 1 bite every day...I was kind of hoping that by the end, he would love carrots...but alas, it didn't happen. Today he tried broccoli. By trying, I mean licking. I finally got him to take one small bite, and he gagged. Oh well.
  • Jules' 2 top teeth are FINALLY appearing! One has broken through, but you can see both.
  • Jules had her first visit to the children's hospital - about a week ago, she couldn't stop throwing up. I took her because the nurse thought she might get dehydrated but fortunately, she seemed much better after they gave her some zofran.
Here are some pics!

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