Friday, December 21, 2007

The week before Christmas

Merry Christmas! We are headed off to visit Tim's family for the holidays. We are hoping Wills will sleep for most of the drive.

Wills turned 3 months yesterday. I took him in the morning to get his last set of 2 month vaccines (we are spreading them out over time) and he did great. He is laughing and squealing and cooing like crazy - I tried to catch it on video (see below), but he always seems to get shy when I turn on the camera. Here are some of the latest pictures...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You made it through the tough part! I can't wait for Cate to be 3 months (not that I'm wishing away this newborn stage BUT)...I remember that with Alex everything got so much easier after that point!

Wills is ADORABLE!