Friday, April 1, 2011

6 months old

I can't believe my baby girl is 6 months old! Everything went great at her 6 month checkup on 3/24/11 - here are her stats:

weight - 17 lb 3 oz (80th percentile)
length - 27 inches (95th percentile)
head circumference - 17 inches

The doctor felt like she was doing great - especially with pushing up on her arms when laying on her belly.

Jules is sleeping in her crib, and we just lowered it one notch. She usually sleeps from about 8 to about 6 or 6:30 - she's an early riser like her brother. She drinks milk at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm, and she eats lunch (a veggie, fruit and cereal) at 12:30pm and dinner (the same) at 6pm. So far, I have made all of her baby food at home, and she likes most stuff (except green beans, of course). Some new things that she has tried are avocado (I blend it with a banana), kiwi, mango, carrots, and spinach. She has had both rice and oatmean cereal.

She is such a beautiful little girl, and we are so blessed to have her!

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