Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jules is 2 months old

Jules turned 2 months old on Wednesday 12/1/10. She got a great report from Dr. Gadea! Here are her stats:
  • Weight - 12 lb 3 oz - 90%!
  • Length - 22 3/4 in - 85%
  • Head Circumference - 15 1/2 in - 75%
Needless to say, she is growing like a weed! And in case you haven't noticed from other pictures, she has crazy hair!! I just love it :)

She no longer fits into 0-3 month clothes, so we didn't get a whole lot of wear out of those! So far we haven't had to supplement with formula - this is a big difference from when Wills was a baby. Of course, I have now experienced what it is like to breastfeed don't really get to do anything all...all day long! I haven't really been able to leave her, which has been hard - but at the same time, I am very happy with how things have gone. It has been wonderful to spend so much time with her before I go back to less than a month!!!

It has been a little challenging to get her to take a bottle - we started when she was about 3 weeks old, and she is still a little unpredictable with it. I can get her to take a bottle only under very specific conditions - 1) the perfect temperature of the bottle (warm), 2) when she is very very hungry, and 3) pretty much only from me. We are working on her taking a bottle from Tim.

Jules has to take Zantac 2 to 3 times a day for reflux (Wills also had reflux). It really seems to help her with gas and discomfort/reswallowing.

She still doesn't really like to nap during the day - she snoozes sometimes in my arms, but that's about it. When she does nap, it's during the morning. She still likes to eat about 3 times from 5 to 8pm. We are giving her a bath every night now, after dinner, then she eats one more time and on a good night, goes down around 7:45. She still likes the swaddle - in fact, sometimes I double swaddle her so that she doesn't get out in the middle of the night.

Jules usually wakes up one time at night between 1am and 3am to eat, then sleeps again til about 7 or 8am. But last night she slept from 8pm to 5am! And it is 8:30 now and she is still sleeping...probably a one-time fluke, but I'll take it!

Overall, Jules is a very happy, sweet, strong, smiling, cooing, squealing little girl. She loves to be held and rocked and talked to. She loves her bath and also loves her big brother (who is awesome with her!).

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