Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, as Wills is about to turn 3, some very big things are happening in his life! He is such a big boy...
  • He will be a big brother in about 2 1/2 weeks! Wills is very aware that he is about to have a little sister, and he seems pretty happy and content about it. He knows that she will be born at the hospital (just like him) and he says he will come and visit us there. I think that he thinks his sister is going to be just like him when she gets here - a few days ago, he told me that we need to go buy his baby sister some Tinkerbell underpants!
  • Speaking of underpants...Wills is doing great with potty training! I swear, 2 weeks ago, he was not interested at all and it was a struggle to get him to go on the potty at home (he does fine going at school, although he was wearing a pull-up). Last Tuesday, he told me he wanted to wear underpants to school, and he has worn them every day since! He has even gone a couple of days with no accidents! Amazing! How darn cute is this picture?!? Check out those abs...
  • Wills can count all the way to 20! He also knows his ABCs. I have the cutest video but couldn't get it to download.
  • Wills loves Buzz Lightyear, Lightening McQueen, books (we read 3 to 5 books every night), his big boy bunk bed, his Fletch, his tools, and TV (especially the shows Calliou, Curious George, Dr. Seuss, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). He also loves to play outside with the boys in the cul-de-sac - Andrew (4), Christopher (2 1/2) and David (1). We have our own little baseball team here.
  • Wills' favorite drink is apple juice. He likes to eat waffles or pancakes for breakfast every single day (I have to make them in bulk and freeze them so that we have enough!). His favorite other foods include apples and peanut butter, bananas, clementines, peanut butter and jelly, cheese quesadillas, rice and beans, fig newtons, spaghettios, and ice cream.
  • For Halloween, Wills wants to be Buzz Lightyear. He has been saying that for about 3 months and hasn't changed his mind yet. We've already got the costume...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love all the updates! What a sweet little man!!!