Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Girls Night Out!

That's right...I am heading out tonight for a little girls night out - we are going to see Sex and the City and then grab some dinner. Tim is the best and is going to watch Wills so I can go relax. Before I head out, here is a quick update:

Wills is officially crawling, and he still does the army crawl on his elbows too. He can get almost anywhere if you put him down on the floor, and is pulling up on everything. He likes to crawl to the front door and smush his forehead against the glass so he can see outside. He can get from laying on his stomach to sitting up. He waved "bye-bye" to two of our neighbors on separate occasions, and we had absolutely no idea that he even knew how to do that! Of course, we can't get him to do it again for the life of us.

He is eating lots of different fruits, veggies, and mixed meats and veggies. I have tried a couple of times to give him "real" fruit - little bits of bananas, strawberries and peaches. He wants nothing to do with him - he is a lazy eater and wants me to feed him. He does eat those little puffy stars, kind of like cheerios - he loves them.

Here are some pictures! Wills loves the wagon that Grandma and Grandpa gave him for Christmas. I take him for a ride in it every day when I get home from work. We also just bought him two little water/baby pools and he seems to love them, especially in this heat.


Grammy said...

These are great pictures! Wills is growing up so fast. I'll bet he loves the wading pool! Can't wait to see all of you in two weeks!

Grammy said...

These are great pictures! Wills is growing up so fast. I'll bet he loves the wading pool! Can't wait to see all of you in two weeks!