Sunday, January 6, 2008

15 Weeks Old

So much has happened in the past few weeks...

Wills started daycare and I started back to work - so far, so good. My work schedule has been very accommodating so far - Tim takes Wills in the morning and I pick him up around 5pm. We get home, hang out for a few hours, and put him down between 8 and 9...and he sleeps until we wake him up at 5:30am! He takes about 4 short naps (less than an hour) at daycare, and sleeps soundly at night. We took the plunge last night and put him to bed unswaddled. He didn't sleep quite as soundly (we could here him making noises every couple of hours), but he didn't fully wake up until 5am today. I think the days of swaddling are over!

Here are some pics from the past week...

My favorite...

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