- He's learned a lot about littering and recycling at Primrose lately. The other day, he saw some trash on the ground and said "Mommy, who glittered?" He is always pointing out trash and saying "it's not good to glitter!" :)
- Somewhere, he learned to say "In the house"...as in "Wills Ryan....in da howse!" Like rappers used to say back in the day :)
- At the pool on Sunday, when the lifeguard blew the whistle and said "Kid Swim!", Wills said "C'mon guys - surfs up!"
- He says "Never" all of the time (an oxymoron, right?). Like this...
Wills: Never!
Mom: Wills, it's time to go take a bath.
Wills: Never!
- The other night when I kissed him good night, he asked me if I had "lispick" on.
- He is always saying that things are "spooky". My room is spooky, that movie is spooky, my dinner is spooky.
- And finally, he is totally over Roar (his lovey lion). The other day, he told me that I could sleep with Roar because he doesn't need him anymore :(
The last piece of news is that we are trying a dairy free diet with him. He had been complaining about his tummy hurting really often - to the point that we were really starting to worry. He was often waking up in the middle of the night to say it hurt (he says his tummy is "angry"), and he said it a lot during the day too. At first we thought he was saying it just to get his way, but his teachers at school mentioned it too. I called the doctor, and they suggested trying to limit his dairy for a week and seeing what happens. We've limited his cheese, milk, and yogurt for 2 weeks now, and I have to say...I'm a believer! Within a couple of days, he wasn't even talking about his tummy. He has gotten excellent reports at school - literally, his teacher said he's like a different kid. He is nice to his friends, he keeps his hands to himself, he shares his toys, he takes a good nap...I can't believe it. Of course, he still has the occasional meltdown, but he's been acting better at home too. He's been sleeping much better too. We're gonna stick with it!